We spend one third of our lives asleep. When we are sleeping is the perfect time to let our skincare routine really work its magic. Every oil and serum we massage onto our faces needs overnight quiet time to really work its magic, and so what we rest our faces on every night is an important part of the overall process.
Your choice of pillowcase is a crucial factor in how effective your skincare routine is. So, which material is best to sleep on at night? I am sure that linen flax is the best. Let's see why...

Durable, anti-bacterial and easy to wash, linen pillowcases make the perfect bedfellows to catch the most beauty sleep. No harsh chemicals are used to craft or wash natural linen, meaning that sleeping on linen pillowcases won’t exacerbate sensitive or acne-prone skin.

The absorbency and temperature-regulating technologies of the material prevent facial sweat and adjust to match body temperature, facilitating you to sleep unperturbed through the night and prevent breakouts simultaneously.

Linen pillowcases are better than another when it comes to hair care. Well let’s find out! Linen is hardy, easy to care for, very breathable, as well as antibacterial and hypoallergenic. Linen is immune to mould, fungus and dust mites, making it a good choice in the beauty sleep stakes. It is the breathability of linen and its temperature-regulating that prevents sweating and the extraction and transfer of the hair’s natural oils onto the pillow. This can be the case with cotton pillowcases, robbing the hair of much needed minerals and essential oils, creating split ends which linen pillowcases actually guard against.

Linen prevents you from overheating in the warmer summer months, but it has superb insulating qualities for the colder winter months. The texture of linen stimulates the skin and the circulation, which again has positive effects on hair health.
